Wednesday, July 30, 2008


This may or not be a good time to do this ...of course as usual im not really sure what I am doing. if you have read the first two posts on this blog you should kinda sorta understand that this is a project I started about Thirteen years I am finding it very interesting as I edit the older manuscript ( that which I can find ) I am realizing just how much has happened to me in the past 13 years ...some good , some great , some not so great ... There is this song that says " I wouldn't take nothing for my Journey now " and I agree with that ..but I am pretty sure I wouldn't take it again if I had the choice to.
The great parts , my marriage to Lori, watching my daughter walk to the alter for her wedding, trips to San Fransisco , and the Oregon Coast , the overwheling excitment of landing a dream job in a dream location ...exchanging ourt ten year wedding vows with an Oregon Sunset as a backdrop ...I could put those on program and relive them day after day.
But there are other days , days that if I knew I was going to have to go through I would not know where to claim the strenght to relive them...its a good thing this is only an " academic " excercise , and God in His wisdom has withdrawn from us the gift of seeing into the future , to be honest for most of us it would be no gift at all.
I guess the point of all this is that as I write about the past few years and the years that came before the book started to find its way into print. All the days and all the years just push forward regardless of how they will turn out. we don't get to pick good days and keep them and throw away the bad days ...we live each according to His will.
Yet I sincerly beleive that each day no matter how painfull , no matter how dark , is a gift from God. The Scriptures say to be " Thankful for all things " That " all things " embraces a very large universe.
Its not easy to say Im thankful when you are curled up with a Kidney stone that feels its as large as a kiwi fruit, its not easy to say goodby to your mother in a hospital room knowing you will not see her alive again. Its not easy to be thankful when you have been arrested and find you are just one miracle away from being led to jail with your wife , Its not easy to be thankful when you watch on your Ten Year Anniversery trip a plane being flown into the world trade center.
But God in His wisdom asks us to be just that.
He says life will hurt , and we will have troubles and then He asks us to be thankful for them...and He His love for us is everlasting. His mercies are new every day ...
Lori and I often try to look back at the past 13 years and fit the pieces all together , sometimes there just doesn't seem to be enough time to account for the times we have had...
The phone is ringing I am calling the Computer Company for that modem ..

1 comment:

Matthew Gedeon said...

"God is always right, so to always be right one must always be with God. Fortunately, God extends mercy. For when we aren't with Him, He never leaves us all alone." ~Dan Delyon